This Blog is intended to share my Peace Corps experience with everyone. My blog is in no way affiliated with the U.S. Peace Corps or any other U.S. government agency. The views and opinions on this site are my own and do not reflect the views or positions of the Peace Corps or the United States Government.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stomp Out Malaria Month

April is Stomp Out Malaria Month!! 
Before serving in Peace Corps Zambia, I was aware that malaria was a big problem in Africa, but I didn't know that it was the #1 killer in Africa. One of the most important things I am doing as a volunteer here is Zambia is educating people about the dangers of malaria.  Many people don't even know that mosquitos are the cause of malaria, but most of my villagers have had malaria at least one time in their life, if not many more times.  The symptoms of malaria vary, and often times symptoms are similar to those for the flu or the common cold.  When people are "paining", and I ask them what is wrong, the most likely response is that they have malaria...yes malaria that common here.

Below is a photograph of my bedroom in my hut, complete with my very own mosquito net - Safety First!!

Right now is the end of rainy season, also known as malaria season.  This year in my neck of the woods rainy season was long with amanzi sana (a lot of water) - literal breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Below is a photograph of my sister's daughter Lisa pouring herself a drink of water...very serious that girl

One of the malaria projects I am working on in my catchment area is a Mosquito Net Study.  Peace Corps has partnered with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to study the efficacy of two net manufacturers. We visit 25 houses in our catchment area every 6 months to fill out surveys on net use and the current condition of the net.  During the two year study, we randomly remove nets that are then sent to the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia for testing.  Being part of the net study not only spreads malaria awareness throughout my catchment area, but also allows me to enter more homes in my area, see really how people are living, and create stronger bonds with my community members.

How will you Stomp Out Malaria in 2013?????

Stomping Out Malaria in Africa is a Peace Corps initiative that uses strategic partnerships, targeted training Volunteers and intelligent use of information technology to support the local malaria prevention efforts of over 3,000 Volunteers in sub-Saharan Africa. For more information go to and follow Stomp activities at